What is the relationship between soil moisture index and soil water content?
Including the reference to this equation would help us.
Thank you for providing the reference.
To my understanding, the moisture index is a relative measure which describes how close a surface comes to its wettest observed condition. By normalizing against the wet and dry references, it is scaled between two extreme conditions and therefore applicable to any region of the earth (given that soil surfaces are available in the image).
Accordingly, an index value of 1 in Asia is comparable to an index value of 1 in South Africa because they both indicate the relative seasonal moisture. But speaking of absolute soil moisture, they of course represent completely different water contens. As described in the study, you need to have field data and link them to this index to find a translation from the index to the absolute soil moisture, for example by a nonlinear regression.
Hi Sir! how can we find backscratching of dry & wet soil?
this paper may help youAccounting for seasonality in a soil moisture change detection.pdf (997.4 KB)