Report bugs or issues you may be having with the PolSARpro toolbox

Report bugs or issues you may be having with the PolSARpro toolbox.

I am having difficulty installing PolSARPro v6.0. I installed Magicsplat tcl-8.6.12-installer-1.12.0-x64 and other pre-requisite software. The PolSARPro is not starting up. I tried using the previous Magicsplat versions, same issue. I am using Windows 11 (64 bit).
Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.

I’m having the same issues…
For me it doesn’t work at all as well :frowning_face:

A post was split to a new topic: Documentation about data conversion functions in PolSARpro

Hello, I am a newcomer attempting to install PoLSARpro (Biomass edition). During the installation process, I am encountering an issue. I have attached an image below for your reference.

Thank you.