Well let us begin.
This is a graph which takes a Sentinel-2 Input. An extracted file in granule folder of Sentinel-2 gets taken, resampled to smaller resolution (0.0025[°] roughly 250[m]) and warped into Geographical LonLat Grid EPSG:4326.
As you may perceive not all bands are included the final Bands in this scenario are B2,B3,B4,B8,B8A,B11,B12. The SubSet also requires the final size of the scene so original Granules are mostly 10980x10980[px] and the first operator is to resample to 150[m], the best resolution bands are 10[m] resolution per pixel. (Therefore 732x732 for the initial SubSet operator is needed.)
You can change any of the Bands and resolution settings in the graph for your convenience. After this processing the Sentinel-2 files will become exportable from SNAP Toolbox into .kmz (Google Earth). Also the size will be reduced severely due to lower resolution.
This is my first, basic and most simple prototype I have developed almost a year and a half back I believe for a first try at larger scale Mosaic, where I would not have to go at a server right away.
Graph File: S2_global_processing_reproject_granule.xml (2.7 KB)
Parameters and Command:
graph = “path +/S2_global_processing_reproject_granule.xml”
Pfile = -Pfile="path+/granule_file.xml "
Ptarget = -Ptarget= “output_path +granule_file_processed”
Pwidth = -Pwidth= “732”
Pheight = -Pheight= “732”
perf_update = -x -c 8096M -q 8
cmd: gpt “path +/S2_global_processing_reproject_granule.xml” -Pfile="path+/granule_file.xml " -Ptarget=“output_path +granule_file_processed.dim” -Pwidth=732 -Pheight=732 -x -c 8096M -q 8
cmd_example: gpt “F:_remote_sensing_MultiSpectralDB\GPT/S2_global_processing_reproject_granule.xml” -Pfile="F:\S2-RAW\S2A_MSIL1C_20170526T142901_N0205_R053_T21NUH_20170526T142856.SAFE\GRANULE/L1C_T21NUH_A010060_20170526T142856/MTD_TL.xml " -Ptarget=“C:\Users\suprd\Desktop/S2A_MSIL1C_20170526T142901_processed.dim” -Pwidth=732 -Pheight=732 -x -c 8096M -q 8
Works like charm…in Windows at least, but that should only be the question of the paths. Here is the result from the example in .kmz : S2A_MSIL1C_20170526T142901_processed_RGB.kmz (392.2 KB)
P.S.: Be careful with the spaces and quotation marks.