February 12, 2018, 1:38pm
One thing I see (from the file paths) is, that you probably reproject twice. Also, the map looks the same in both images.
Maybe it is the same problem as described here:
I tried to reproduce the described behaviour.
What I’ve observed is that the NaN values are only introduced when trying to reproject to the same CRS, and doing this does actually make no sense.
I’ve tried with a resampled S2 MSI L1C product which is resampled to 60 meters. The CRS is already UTM 33N.
If reprojecting to Geographic Lat/Lon (WGS84) everything looks good. Reprojecting to ETRS89 / UTM zone 33N works, also reprojecting to UTM 32NN works. What does not work is to reproject to UTM 3…