Resampling & Masking in Batch Processing


I have created a graph to process S2 images: The steps are: resample - subset - import vector - retroject - land/sea mask (using the tip previously imported)

myGraph_3.xml (4.1 KB)

After creating the graph, I want to use the batch processing to apply the same analysis to several S2 images. First, I load all the products in the batch processing. Then, I load my graph.

When setting the parameters of the resample menu the following error appears:

It says I have to resample the product but this is actually what I want to do by running this process.

Then I import the shapefile of my study area but when I move to the Land-Sea-Mask to select this shapefile as the vector mask, it does not appear.

Any idea how to solve those two issues?


there is an issue with some kinds of mask when you apply the resample and subset operators. If you are not using some S2 internal masks, you could try to not loading them: Tools->Options->S2TBX and uncheck all the options. This should fix your first issue.

Manage to solve both issues by following your answer. Thanks