Right name of the Biophysical Processor in SNAP


I am quite lost with the name of the algortihm which calculates LAI in SNAP. I am writing a school asignment and want to use the right term for the algortihm. If the subject has already been discussed, I am sorry because I didn’t find it.

In SNAP, the tool is named : Biophysical Processor, but in scientific thesis it is named SL2P or SNAP-derived LAI. Moreover the acronym SL2P is for “Sentinel-2 Level 2 Prototype Processor” or “Simplified L2 Product Prototype Processor” in different thesis, what is the right one ? Morevover, I found that SL2P is the algortihm used in the Google Earth Engine, is it the same algorithm ?

To resume, I am really confused and I would like to know what is the right name of the algortihm which calculates the LAI in SNAP. Maybe it is because I don’t fully understand english, so I didn’t understand the subtleties.

Thank you in advance for your help.

I think SNAP Biophysical Processor is the most common name. I used this name in my peer-reviewed articles, so you can also do it.


Ok, thank you very much !

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