Running sentinel toolboxes in hadoop cluster


I am interested to know if anyone has knowledge/experience in using S1 or any other toolboxes in hadoop cluster? I have used hadoop some years ago and I know on has to implement Mapper and Reduce interfaces to run your application in hadoop cluster. Please let me know if anyone has succeeded in running sentinel toolboxes in hadoop ? I am thinking of an architecture that runs S1 toolbox in hadoop cluster using MapReduce and relies on HDFS for input and output files.

I would be interested to read/to contribute any previous work in this direction. Pointers to Github resources is appreciated.


Hi, had you finshed it yet?
I am interested in it!

I’m currently attempting it, not an easy feat!

Hi everyone,

The wiki page How to create a SNAP bundle from source describes briefly how to create a bundle of jar files for the usage in processing systems.