When I tried to S2 Resampling using SNAP 9.0.0, I get an error and the processing fails. I kept all parameters default.
Error as follows,
When I tried to S2 Resampling using SNAP 9.0.0, I get an error and the processing fails. I kept all parameters default.
Error as follows,
Please see:
I solved my S2 resampling issue with your support. Thank you for your support. I tried to remove Sentinel-2 (Level 2A) clouds using Idepix. But it support to Level 1C.
I want to remove clouds from Sentinel-2 imagery (Level 2A) using ESA SNAP. I use SNAP 9.0.0. I need the imagery to be cloud free since I am carrying out a land use land cover classification.
My file : S2A_MSIL2A_20220929T050611_N0400_R076_T44NMM_20220929T073656
Can you please give me your valuable comment.