S3_Radiance to Reflectance Processor Error

Since 2020.01.15 S3 update I’m founding a issue to process S3 STSLR products.
I’m posting a picture to display the error.
Is anyone having the same problem? How could i solve it?

Best regards

Might be related to this ticket: Unable to read Sentinel 3 SLSTR L1 products after update
and this one: Sentinel 3 SLSTR NullPointerException

If you find a fix I would be interested as well!

Thanks for the report. We are already working on this. This will be fixed by an update of SNAP. Can’t tell you a specific date right now. But shouldn’t take too long.

Thank you.
Any news about the update date?
Is it correct that the algorithm is not evalueting the Earth-Sun distance for the calibration?

Best regards