SAR Sentinel-1 processing in Python

Hello dudes,

I was trying to set up snappy in my machines but as it uses jpy, and it is no longer available for Windows (if I’m not wrong), I get myself asking if there is another Python package devoted to SAR image processing. Does anyone know?

You can install jpy from JPY Consortium on github. There is also snapista which is for linux so has a docker container for Windows.

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Dear @gnwiii, do you know how to implement snapista in a Windows 10 machine? Indeed, is it possible?

You can use WSL or docker. On a low-end Windows 10 system with limited memory or mass storage it may not be practical for large projects, see the github project linked from the above snapista link and related posts in this forum.

The JPL InSAR Scientific Computing Environment (ISCE) SAR processing software is based on Python with parts written in C++ and Fortran. It is available as Open Source on GitHub. I don’t know whether anybody has successfully installed it on Windows, though. It runs well on macOS and Linux operating systems.

Hello Eric, are all ISCE modules free to use? Free meaning with a non-limiting license

Hi Fabrice, the ISCE license is the standard Apache License 2.0. You can find it here:

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