Satellite Azimuth Direction/Heading

Thanks for the clarification, platformHeading seems to be what I was looking for.

As for the other two parameters: I didn’t realize that these were purely SNAP parameters, assuming they had to be constructed somehow from the product metadata. However, neither the Java code in the snap-engine GitHub nor the documentation from the SNAP Developer Guide provided any conclusive information on the abstract metadata section in SNAP.

Consequently, my comment regarding metadata descriptions is rather related to SNAP / Sentinel Toolboxes rather than Sentinel-1 itself. I think that a documentation of the SNAP metadata parameters would be helpful, as this could save both time in looking for plausible answers and making assumptions on what they could possibly mean.

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The center_heading is referred to North (0 or 360 degrees), whereas the center_heading2 to South (180 degrees).
If you subtract each value from the corresponding reference axis, you will get the same angle value as follows:
360 (North) -189.79 (centre_heading) = 170.21
180 (South) - 9.79 (centre_heading2) = 170.21

Hello, everyone. I intend to use the platform heading angle in the GPS LOS projected formula, extracted from the original metadata of my Sentinel-1 images. The value obtained is approximately -6.1 degrees. Should I use it as -6.1 degrees in the formula?

Please add the platform heading vector in the mapping tool.