Hello! Correctly implemented the function of SBAS in SNAP? Is there a detailed instruction for processing a large number of images in SBAS?
Please take a look at this topic,
in SNAP 5.0 SBAS is not yet featured:
Can anyone suggest a opensource app for doing Sbas? does Doris do it?
I has used GMTSAR. Its free and working great
I was following SNAP - StaMPS Workflow - 1.1 written by @thho . I want to generate interferograms using SBAS. this is the attached workflow snap_stamps_1_0.zip (2.1 MB) .
I am now stacked at the section where I will have to download snap_sbas_wf.zip file needed for further processing. Below is the link. the link appears not to contain any file in the zip file. I do not know whether the link is disabled or not.
Kindly assist me out. If you have any alternative, please let me know
wget -O “$PWD/snap_sbas_wf.zip” “http://forum.step.esa.int/uploads/default/original/2X/c/c1fc64285366cb920c809a2ffff309830a5ed15b.zip”
İ have the same problem.
This specific operator (where the link pointed to) is deprecated, since the S1 Toolbox has changed too much and it is not working any more. Also, after the Step Forum moved in 2019(?) this link/the source became unreachable.
If you want to work on an approach of SBAS and SNAP have a look here