Sen2 Cor 2.5.5—How to convert operation mode PDGS to TOOLBOX?

Dear all,

I have successfully install the Sen2Cor 2.5.5 version.I tried processing the Sentinel-2 L1C data,S2A_MSIL1C_20160430T030932_N0201_T50RKU_20160430T030928.But there are some mistakes.

C:\Users\dell.snap\auxdata\Sen2Cor-02.05.05-win64>L2A_Process.bat --resolution 10 F:\20210429\S2A_MSIL1C_20160430T030932_N0201_R032_T50RKU_20160430T030928.SAFE
Operation mode PDGS is not supported for Product version 14.2.
Operation mode will be reset to TOOLBOX.
Sentinel-2 Level 2A Processor (Sen2Cor). Version: 2.5.5, created: 2018.03.19, supporting Level-1C product version <= 14.5 started …
Product version: 14.2. Operation mode: TOOLBOX. Processing baseline: 02.01.
[CRITICAL] L2A_Config: 3181 Error in creating L2A User Product
[CRITICAL] L2A_Config: 3181 Error in creating L2A User Product

Could any one please see the error below and tell me how to convert operation mode PDGS to operation mode TOOLBOX?

Thank you so much.