I use sen2cor 2.11.0 with bash (Ubuntu 22.04) through wsl.
For L1C product – S2A_MSIL1C_20170815T015651_N0205_R060_T54WXT_20200906T110412.SAFE
Use following batch command with attached GIPP_custom.xml:
for f in /mnt/s/02_Sentinel/*L1C*SAFE;
do "/home/den/Sen2Cor-02.11.00-Linux64/bin/L2A_Process"
--resolution={20,10} --processing_baseline "02.05"
--output_dir "/mnt/s/den/02_Sentinel/"
--GIP_L2A "/home/den/sen2cor/2.11/cfg/L2A_GIPP_custom.xml" $f; done
The CAMS and ECMWF data was included in PB04.00. Introduced in late January 2022. So your product wouldn’t include it. I would ask @Sen2cor_dev_team if they can help you.
Thank you for your ticket with all the necessary information provided. The @Sen2cor_dev_team was able to reproduce the strange bright areas you observed. As mentionned by @Jan, those effects are sometimes related to the L2A Scene Classification classes like topographic shadows or clouds on which no terrain correction is performed. However investigations are on-going to find the source of this effect. Maybe it could be related to some DEM characteristics in this area but not precise answer is available at that time.
The @Sen2cor_dev_team will continue its investigations and post them here.