[Sen2Cor 2.12.03][linux] "Illegal instruction"

In line with @remi.andreoli988’s findings in this topic I am having trouble using the latest version of sen2cor, version 2.12.03.

While sen2cor 2.11 works without issue, sen2cor 2.12.03 fails with the error ‘Illegal instruction’, likely related to a difference between the compilation and execution platform.

For example:

/home/adriaan/opt/Sen2Cor-02.12.03-Linux64/bin/L2A_Process --work_dir _WORK --processing_baseline 92.12 --processing_centre GEOT --archiving_centre GEOT --GIP_L2A /mnt/adriaan-ahn/SentinelNL/S2_L2A_GIPP_212.xm
l ./S2A_MSIL1C_20150822T104036_N0500_R008_T31UFS_20231010T063709.SAFE

Results in a crash, as shown below:

Sen2Cor. Version: 02.12.03, created: 2024.09.09, supporting Level-1C product version 14.2 - 15.0 started ...
Product version: 14.9                                                                                                                                                                                              
Operation mode: TOOLBOX     
Processing baseline: 92.12                                                                                                                                                                                         
Progress[%]:  0.00 : Generating datastrip metadata
L2A datastrip successfully generated                                                                                                                                                                               
No resolution specified, will process 20 and 10 m resolution
20 m resolution will be downsampled to 60 m                                                                                                                                                                        
Progress[%]: 0.04 : PID-1842795, L2A_ProcessTile: processing with resolution 20 m, elapsed time[s]: 1.122, total: 0:00:05.323345
Progress[%]: 0.04 : PID-1842795, L2A_ProcessTile: start of pre processing, elapsed time[s]: 0.000, total: 0:00:05.323686          
Progress[%]: 0.05 : PID-1842795, L2A_Tables: start import, elapsed time[s]: 0.074, total: 0:00:05.397300
Illegal instruction

The machine is based on an Intel i5-2400 and runs Debian 12. The processor is dated, but is able to keep up with the acquisitions. It appears, however, that sen2cor 2.12.03 was compiled with instructions unavailable on this processor.