Sen2Cor 2.4.0, Stand-Alone Installers, How To Install

I am new to Sen2cor. However, I could install the standalone installer successfully, but I have the problem with integration of sen2cor with SNAP. When I open the sen2cor editor, all parameters field are empty! Can anyone help me how to integrate sen2cor standalone with SNAP, please?

Hi Pym,

there is a youtube tutorial (for Win8 and Win10), which shows how to integrate sen2cor in SNAP:

However in my opinion it is easier to use the standalone version.

Best regards

Hi everybody,

I believe that I found a bug in sen2cor: it cannot handle blanks in the file path.
I put my standalone sen2cor in a folder with blanks and was not able to show the help with “L2A_Process.bat –help”.
I then copied it to a file location without blanks where it worked just fine.

  • Sebastian

Hi Sebastian
Thank you very much for your reply. However, I believe the issue is compatibility of Sen2cor 2.4 with SNAP 5. so you cannot integrate sen2cor in SNAP 5. I think it works with SNAP 6.
By the way, I tried to Run sen2cor standalone in CMD itself and ran the atmospheric correction smoothly.
Thank you very much.



Thank you for the tutorial. It works fine.
However, is it possible to process all the files (images) of a folder in one step ?
For example, I have 30 Sentinel-2 images TOA and I want to transform them in BOA using Sen2Cor. I could do it manually file by file, but it’s very inconvenient. I already tried “L2A_Process D:\myfolder\ .SAFE" or
"L2A_Process D:\myfolder\ .
.SAFE” but it didnt work . It must be easy but I’m not used to cmd commands.
Can someone tell me how to do a loop or a bach ? Thank you.


hello, I read this somewhere in this forum and adapted it to use in the command line in Linux : sudo bash -c 'for scene in Level1C -1 /D/data/Level1C/S2_MSIL1C;do echo “Doing scene:$scene”;L2A_Process $scene --resolution=10;done’** . Please note that Level1C is the folder containing level 1C (unzipped) images. The products from Sen2cor are placed in the same working directory. Hope this helps. Also have a look at Batch processing and other similar posts on the forum.

This is a link from ESA, is not THAT helpfull for those not familiarized with programming lenguage though:

But gets you on the right direction :slight_smile:

Nevertheless i could not make it through the running errors, hope this will works for you

How to run Sen2Cor as SNAP plugin? I tried the instructions, no success.

the processor replied as shown above, I can not understand the second part - where is my path? where to add the whole folder containing L2A bat file?

Thanks for bug report. It is fixed on the git. Next release will not have this issue. you can install/unzip to a directory with or without spaces

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PATH which he is referring to is your system path. This is usually seen as “PATH” where Windows OS search for dll’s and executables. google howto update my system path on windows

I solved my problem long ago, thanks anyway. I have not seen such software running mode since 20 years or more, and I thought I would never seen again, but alas… :)))) :smile: I it is good that I have degree in archaeology.

Good morning:
I’m trying to install the sen2cor, the standalone version.
I am following the published step by step.
When I get to the instance of calling the file: “L2A_Process.bat -help”. I appear poster:
C: \ Users \ analam \ Documents \ 111 Sentinel atmospheric correction tests \ Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64 \ Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64> cd L2A_Process.bat --help
The system can not find the path specified.

I’m not very familiar with the command line so I would need a little more help in detail.
It would be excellent since I want to work with data s2 corrected atmospherically.
Best regards and thanks from now

Hi anabel,

your command should be “L2A_Process.bat --help”, the “cd” is not needed.

do you have a directory with spaces? "111 Sentinel atmospheric correction tests ". In that case, sen2Cor 2.4.0 won’t work.
This was abug in package and is fixed for next release already.

you a path without spaces, change it to “_” for now. and wait for next release of sen2cor 2.5.x.

Dear rashadkm:
Thank you very much for your reply. I will try to do it and I hope it works!
I’ll let you know.
thanks again

Hello, thank you for your comment

A post was split to a new topic: UnicodeDecodeError when processing with sen2cor

A post was split to a new topic: “DLL load failed” message when processing

I have the same problem. Does anyone knows how to solve it?