Sen2cor 2.8 fails on product from early 2016 - 'bool' object has no attribute 'SPACECRAFT_NAME'

ah, no. I now get this weird error Sen2Cor-02.05.05-win64 - AttributeError: 'L2A_Tables' Object has no attribute '_L2A_Tile_PVI_File'

Progress[%]: 5.73 : PID-106203, L2A_ProcessTile: start of Atmospheric Correction, elapsed time[s]: 0.001, total: 0:02:19.837029
Progress[%]: 5.81 : PID-106203, L2A_AtmCorr: end of calculation terrain maps, elapsed time[s]: 1.785, total: 0:02:21.622464
Progress[%]: 5.81 : PID-106203, L2A_AtmCorr: start of AOT retrieval at 550nm, elapsed time[s]: 0.001, total: 0:02:21.623488
Progress[%]: 6.08 : PID-106203, L2A_AtmCorr: end of internal classification, elapsed time[s]: 6.641, total: 0:02:28.264442
Progress[%]: 6.12 : PID-106203, L2A_AtmCorr: end of interpolation LUTs, elapsed time[s]: 0.821, total: 0:02:29.085315
Progress[%]: 6.12 : PID-106203, L2A_AtmCorr: end retrieving reference pixels for dark areas, elapsed time[s]: 0.001, total: 0:02:29.085974
Progress[%]: 11.07 : PID-106203, L2A_AtmCorr: end of check for dense bright vegetation pixels, elapsed time[s]: 118.846, total: 0:04:27.931544
Progress[%]: 11.41 : PID-106203, L2A_AtmCorr: end of receiving atmospheric functions for all altitudes and visibilities, elapsed time[s]: 8.150, total: 0:04:36.081846
Progress[%]: 11.41 : PID-106203, L2A_AtmCorr: end of AOT retrieval at 550nm, elapsed time[s]: 0.001, total: 0:04:36.082485
Progress[%]: 11.41 : PID-106203, L2A_AtmCorr: start of water vapour retrieval, elapsed time[s]: 0.000, total: 0:04:36.082803
Progress[%]: 11.47 : PID-106203, L2A_AtmCorr: end of water vapour retrieval preparation, elapsed time[s]: 1.315, total: 0:04:37.397534
Progress[%]: 17.80 : PID-106203, L2A_AtmCorr: end of water vapour retrieval, elapsed time[s]: 152.010, total: 0:07:09.407656
Progress[%]: 17.80 : PID-106203, L2A_AtmCorr: preparation of surface reflectance retrieval, elapsed time[s]: 0.001, total: 0:07:09.408424
Progress[%]: 18.10 : PID-106203, L2A_AtmCorr: end of surface reflectance retrieval preparation, elapsed time[s]: 7.292, total: 0:07:16.700271
Progress[%]: 20.67 : PID-106203, L2A_AtmCorr: end of surface reflectance retrieval, elapsed time[s]: 61.571, total: 0:08:18.270964
Progress[%]: 22.85 : PID-106203, L2A_AtmCorr: end of rho retrieval step 2, elapsed time[s]: 52.305, total: 0:09:10.576365
Progress[%]: 22.85 : PID-106203, L2A_ProcessTile: start of post processing, elapsed time[s]: 0.009, total: 0:09:10.585833
Progress[%]: 22.85 : PID-106203, L2A_Tables: start export, elapsed time[s]: 0.001, total: 0:09:10.586410
Progress[%]: 22.96 : PID-106203, L2A_Tables: band B02 exported, elapsed time[s]: 2.596, total: 0:09:13.182747
Progress[%]: 23.06 : PID-106203, L2A_Tables: band B03 exported, elapsed time[s]: 2.592, total: 0:09:15.775037
Progress[%]: 23.17 : PID-106203, L2A_Tables: band B04 exported, elapsed time[s]: 2.596, total: 0:09:18.371102
Progress[%]: 23.28 : PID-106203, L2A_Tables: band B05 exported, elapsed time[s]: 2.571, total: 0:09:20.941782
Progress[%]: 23.39 : PID-106203, L2A_Tables: band B06 exported, elapsed time[s]: 2.592, total: 0:09:23.533389
Progress[%]: 23.50 : PID-106203, L2A_Tables: band B07 exported, elapsed time[s]: 2.595, total: 0:09:26.128496
Progress[%]: 23.60 : PID-106203, L2A_Tables: band B8A exported, elapsed time[s]: 2.600, total: 0:09:28.728708
Progress[%]: 23.71 : PID-106203, L2A_Tables: band B11 exported, elapsed time[s]: 2.499, total: 0:09:31.228100
Progress[%]: 23.81 : PID-106203, L2A_Tables: band B12 exported, elapsed time[s]: 2.485, total: 0:09:33.712944
Progress[%]: 23.85 : PID-106203, L2A_Tables: band SCL exported, elapsed time[s]: 0.853, total: 0:09:34.565614
Progress[%]: 23.87 : PID-106203, L2A_Tables: band SNW exported, elapsed time[s]: 0.612, total: 0:09:35.177524
Progress[%]: 23.92 : PID-106203, L2A_Tables: band CLD exported, elapsed time[s]: 1.172, total: 0:09:36.349767
Progress[%]: 23.95 : PID-106203, L2A_Tables: band AOT exported, elapsed time[s]: 0.777, total: 0:09:37.127194
Progress[%]: 24.00 : PID-106203, L2A_Tables: band WVP exported, elapsed time[s]: 1.220, total: 0:09:38.346903
Progress[%]: 24.03 : PID-106203, L2A_Tables: band VIS exported, elapsed time[s]: 0.638, total: 0:09:38.984767
Process L2A_ProcessTile-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/myuser/Sen2Cor-02.05.05-Linux64/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 258, in _bootstrap
  File "/home/myuser/Sen2Cor-02.05.05-Linux64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sen2cor/", line 136, in run
    if not self.process_10():
  File "/home/myuser/Sen2Cor-02.05.05-Linux64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sen2cor/", line 179, in process_10
    if not self.process_20():
  File "/home/myuser/Sen2Cor-02.05.05-Linux64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sen2cor/", line 158, in process_20
    return self.process()
  File "/home/myuser/Sen2Cor-02.05.05-Linux64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sen2cor/", line 229, in process
    if self.postprocess() == False:
  File "/home/myuser/Sen2Cor-02.05.05-Linux64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sen2cor/", line 311, in postprocess
    if not self.tables.exportBandList():
  File "/home/myuser/Sen2Cor-02.05.05-Linux64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sen2cor/", line 2307, in exportBandList
    fn = os.path.basename(self._L2A_Tile_PVI_File)
AttributeError: 'L2A_Tables' object has no attribute '_L2A_Tile_PVI_File'

But that seems to be because I ask for --resolution 10 and Sen2Cor 2.5.5. has this really sad bug there.