Sen2Cor 3.0 Release

Good morning,

I was wondering if there is any information regarding the release of Sen2Cor 3.0?

I’m asking because I’m really interested in the new feature for doing atmospheric correction for Landsat as well. However, I couldn’t find any information regarding the planned release date and I thought, someone here might have some more information about it.


Kind regards,


Are there any updates on sen2cor3?

Dear @ValentinaHutter,

The main goal of Sen2like is to generate Sentinel-2 like harmonised/fused surface reflectances with higher periodicity by integrating additional compatible optical mission sensors. It combines Landsat-8-9 and Sentinel-2 data products. USGS Collection-2 Level 1 input Landsat 8-9 (LS8-9) products can be processed to be harmonized with Sentinel-2 data (S2).

A dedicated Sen2Cor3 version was developed to support the atmospheric correction for Landsat products. Please note that this last version is designed to operate with Sen2like version 4.5. This Sen2Cor3 version 3.3 supports also the Copernicus Sentinel-2 L1C Products from Sentinel-2C unit and Processing Baseline 05.11.

The official version of Sen2Cor to process Copernicus Sentinel-2 L1C Products in line with the operational baseline L2A PB 05.11 is the version 02.12.03 available at Sen2Cor download page.