Sen2cor: brdf correction and cirrus correction do not work?

Hi there,

I tried to apply brdf correction and cirrus correction when I performed the convection from L1C to L2A using sen2cor (version 2.2.1) under Linux.

I suppose I’ve set the proper values in L2A_GIPP.xml file:

  <!-- 0: no, 1: yes -->
  <!-- 0: no BRDF correction, 1: , 2: ,11, 12, 22, 21: -->

But the outputs are the same that I had without cirrus correction and brdf correction .
Does that mean that the corrections do not change the outputs at all?

Any idea?


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I have the same issue using sen2cor 2.4 and Snap 6.0. Have you solved it?


@HaiyanHuang did you fix the issue please give back feedbacks.:grinning: