Sen2Cor: ImportError: No module named osgeo.gdal_array

Hi everybody,

I have installed on windows 10 Anaconda 4.2.0 64-bit along with Sen2Cor 2.3.1 and SNAP 5.0.

When trying to run sen2cor in SNAP, following error message appears:

ImportErro: No modeule named osgeo.gdal_array<<

What do I have to do to get the thing right?
Any help very apreciated,


osgeo is actually installed with Anaconda. Do you have other versions of Python installed?

What happens when you type Python in your command line?

Hi Andreas,

thank you for your help! Here the info, that appears, when typing “Python”:


that indicates that the correct python is addressed.

Now make sure that the correct python (Anaconda2) executable is found by sen2cor:
See point 4 here:

Hi Andreas,

I could see, that there was no osgeo folder installed in the “site-packages” folder. I ran the command “conda install gdal” and the folder was installed.

I ran into an new problem, when running sen2cor (UnicodeDecodeError), bt I will open a new topic for that. This topic can be closed.


Hi Andreas, thank you for the detailled instructions to run sen2cor.

This will be valuable when sucessfully running sen2cor.
