Sen2cor installation

Dear All,

I have installed Anaconda 64 bit and Sen2cor 2.0.6 but when I type L2A_Process, following error occured. Can anyone help/guide me to resolve the problem. Thanks

The message says that your openjp2.dll could not be loaded.

How did you install Sen2Cor, and what have you tried to fix this error?

try to find the answer from my topic ( Openjp2 is not be loaded ). You should use openjp2.dll from Sen2cor 2.0.4

@kienbt2410 @ChristianSeverin

I have windows 7 64 bit operating system. First i have installed anaconda for python 2.7 64 bit after that I have installed sen2cor using cmd but I got openjp2.dll load failure. But according to your suggestion When I replaced openjp2.dll from sen2cor 2.0.4 Now i got this error as attached. Kindly Help me.

Most problems are caused by automatic update of some dependencies. This can be skipped by editing the script as described here.

simply add


Please tell me if it also works on Windows, as I am using Ubuntu