I have question regarding the sen2cor-output. I change the L2A_Tables.py file as mentioned in Workaround. I processed some S2 datasets and the “Application teminated successfully.” But I have two missing Bands (8 and 10, as mentioned in here and here and some “Tile Artefacts”.
Following the resulting L2A dataset:
And here the original L1C dataset:
It is clearly visible in Band 1 of the L2A dataset:
The origin of the “Tile artefacts” you are reporting is, that the processing baseline of Sen2Cor is procesing L1C products tile by tile, with each tile processed independent from the others. Each tile is different and gives different aerosol optical thickness. This results in differences in the final BOA-product.
The origin of the “Tile artefacts” you are reporting is,
that the processing baseline of Sen2Cor is procesing L1C products tile
by tile, with each tile processed independent from the others. Each tile
is different and gives different aerosol optical thickness. This
results in differences in the final BOA-product.
Is it possible to make the tile-by-tile processing optional? These artificial edges in the images are quite annoying, and if all it takes to process an entire image in one go is a few extra GB of RAM, I for one would like to switch from tile-based to entire-image-based processing. As it is, roughly half the images we have processed by now have received these edges – some harsher, some less so, but it’s making some of them unusable. If a processing run takes hours and we then sometimes need to discard the result, it’s tempting to simply make do with the original images and not even attempt the atmospheric correction…
At present time the processing baseline is limited to running Sen2Cor Tile-by-Tile. There is no option foreseen to make tile-by-tile processing optional. We will discuss if we can change this for future versions of Sen2Cor.
Kind regards
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) - German Aerospace Center | Earth Observation Center | Remote Sensing Technology Institute | Photogrammetry and Image Analysis | Team Marine Remote Sensing | Rutherfordstrasse 2 | 12489 Berlin | Germany
The origin of the “Tile artefacts” you are reporting is,
that the processing baseline of Sen2Cor is procesing L1C products tile
by tile, with each tile processed independent from the others. Each tile
is different and gives different aerosol optical thickness. This
results in differences in the final BOA-product.
Is it possible to make the tile-by-tile processing optional? These artificial edges in the images are quite annoying, and if all it takes to process an entire image in one go is a few extra GB of RAM, I for one would like to switch from tile-based to entire-image-based processing. As it is, roughly half the images we have processed by now have received these edges – some harsher, some less so, but it’s making some of them unusable. If a processing run takes hours and we then sometimes need to discard the result, it’s tempting to simply make do with the original images and not even attempt the atmospheric correction…
I have had similar problems with purchased 1 SPOT6 and 1 SPOT7 images (Panchromatic 1.5 and 4 MS bands bundle 6m resolution). I had to split each one of the 2 multispectral images into 4 bands then mosaic each band separately using histogram equalization in IDRIS GIS TerrSet and then recomposed the bundle. It worked perfectly and the mosaic was seemless, even after pan-sharpened.
But this is a lot of work. It would be great if those who developped SNAP could introduce histogram equalization in their mosaicing module. I am going to open a new topic about this in SNAP part of this forum.