Sen2cor processing

Hi all,
When I use sen2cor to process sentinel2, I don’t know how to set up the resolution. Can anyone please tell me how to set up the p

Write in your command window the following prompt:

L2A_Process --help

This will give you the explanation.

Here would be an example:

L2A_Process --resolution 10 C:\S2\S2A_OPER_PRD_MSIL1C_PDMC_20160105T114756_R090_V20160105T043246_20160105T043246.SAFE


I installed sen2cor SNAP4 and 2.2.1, but when I try to make a correction process aparce me this error.
I’ve routed all toos and nothing …
Could you help me?

you can replace the value for PYTHON_BIN by the full path to your python installation:

Worked here, for example:

I changed the route but the process is broken and continuous error :frowning:

try this suggested method: