Sentinel-1 data preprocessing

What parameters (product level, polarization, image mode) did you search for?

I want in VVVH polarization ,IW image mode and GRD high resolution

Thanks you. Looks good at first, where is your search area?

Omo gibe basin,Ethiopia

I do get results based on your search, can you please test again with these settings?

Ya I get the same result too. but it is offline product and it is offline after entered to cart and cant be downloaded additionally it doesn’t show up for 2015 and 2015 .

offline means it has to be provided from the long term archive first. Please see here: ESA Copernicus data access - Long Term Archive and its drawbacks

A student was doing a fairly standard cal process, then speckle filter (standard Lee settings) and got a black screen with a few white specs for VV. VH fine. As suggested below, I loaded “Colour Manipulation” and saw the automatic dynamic range had failed. I used “Manual” in the tool to select a range of 1 to 40000, and the image appears. The slider option does not work…too sensitive. Maybe the Lee filter has huge values due to divide by small number or something. The “Manual Edit” option is also not great code i.e. typing in the min/max is hit and miss.

I agree that the color manipulation could be more elegant, but at the end of the day all of its fuctions do work.
If the image stays black upon first loading there might be a problem with the tile cache setting, but this is just a guess.

Have an semelhante problem, for the same date.
Unit: intensity
How will possible solutions?