A new tutorial on displacement mapping with S1 data was published one week ago. The only difference is that you don’t apply topographic phase removal: http://step.esa.int/docs/tutorials/S1TBX%20TOPSAR%20Interferometry%20with%20Sentinel-1%20Tutorial_v2.pdf
A separate tutorial on DEM generation with S1 is planned. But please be aware that you need several conditions for a good DEM
- the perpendicular baseline is ideally above 150 meters
- two images at short intervals
- no rain during the acquisitions, at best images from the dry season
- no vegetation cover
Sentinel-1 is mainly designed for differential interferometry and not for DEM generation. Most of the approaches fail because the requirements above are not given and the phase is decorrelated.
Please also see these comments:
- Why Sentinel-1 is not ideal: Phase to elevation error and Abnormal Values in DEM from Sentinal-1 Data
- Notes on phase decorrelation: Some explanations about concepts of fringes of interferogram and coherence
- Perpendicular baseline estimation: Baseline separation, decorrelation?
- The most successful example I have seen so far: The Order of DEM Creating Steps