Sentinel 1A pre-processing error. Message: empty region

Hi there

If anyone could help me. - I am a new user of SAR data and I am trying to calibrate the data however a problem occurred during processing the target product processing. The error reads Type: OperatorException , Message: Empty region!

Could anyone please assist.

Many thanks

Hello ! I am facing the same problem when I run my code in snap command line.
This is my code :graph.xml (6.0 KB)
This is the error it is showing when i run it :

Kindly, solve my problem.

have you tried opening and displaying the data in SNAP to see if it was correctly downloaded?

Yes . It was correctly downloaded and was opening correctly in the snap desktop but still facing the same problem in snap command line.

according to other topics the error is most likely caused in the “Apply Orbit File” step. Does it also arise when you apply it manually (outside the graph)?

I just downloaded the file and tried to apply an orbit file in the gui and it worked.

I removed the “Apply Orbit File” step from the graph and then executed then this was the error : Java heap space.

I also tried doing it in the GUI in snap desktop, their the snap desktop was not responding after some time.

Java Heap Space indicates memory issues. You RAM seems not enough for these amounts of data.

Ok I’ll do the same processing in other high-end system and then contact you.

Kindly, check this: [

Unable to find the target file in the specified location after GPT processing
