Good Morning,
I’m looking at the candidate release (snaop 8.1) to introduce Snet2/Baseline 4 updates.
In particular, as suggested, I flagged the “Add negative radiometric offset” and with sample products everything goes fine.
But if I do the same (reading a L1C product) using a gpt script, this option will be ignored (and we have a wrong reflectance outcome). Is there a way to “force” this option from gpt command line (or a way to solve/fix this behavior)?
Thanks, Mirko.
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(The release is 8.0.9.)
Check the options 2tbx.dataio.negativeRadiometricOffset=true in your snap.userdir(<your_path>/.snap/etc/
You could pass the -Dsnap.userdir="/.snap" opton at the gpt command.
Or check in the snap home directory /snap/etc/snap.conf.
The instruction to configure the snap.userdir are in the snap.conf.
Ok thank you,
I added radiometricoffset (look at the picture). snap can read it correctly. I checked opening the box and the checkbox follows the true/false setting.
But gpt still did something different. Perhaps the reason is that I’m using direct resampling operator without call the “reader”.
In attachment the collection of gpt script/xml/ (51 Bytes) (827 Bytes)
resample_baseline4.xml (679 Bytes)