Sentinel-2 in Graph Builder

I am trying to build a Graph for batch processing of Sentinel-2 L2A and L1C products. I would like to Re-sample, Subset and Mask clouds (or create a new band containing cloud mask). I have tried the following graph:

and many other combinations, however, every time once I set the expression to BandMaths (all bands and masks available) and I click to the next tab the input product seems to ‘disconnect’ and the BandMaths reports an error (all data sources disappear). It seems irrelevant where in the graph I place the BandMaths operator. The same behavior shows if i leave the parameters in the graph processing untouched and only set them in Batch processing. Also the same if I remove the BandMerge operator.

Click on another tab and then back on BandMath tab … All bands and basks are gone.

Using Mask operator also fails with similar error. I have also tried generating masks using the IdePix after the subset but I get an error saying the IdePix does not support the product.

I would be grateful for any advice regarding this issue.

This sounds pretty similar to this one:

Actually it should be fixed. Maybe not for the 5.x version and only for the next version 6.0. This shall come end of this month.

@Nicolas or @obarrilero do you know the status?

Thanks for the reply. Yes I guess it is similar. although for me all the bands disappear as well. Unfortunately, since this is for training purposes I don’t want to use the command line as that is bit too advanced. But I am using a work around by creating cloud_mask band manually. After that I can use the graph builder and batch processing without problems (provided I do not touch any operator parameters in the graph builder).