Sentinel-2 missing pieces

Is it normal that Sentinel-2 tiles have missing pieces?
Like this example from yesterday over Corsica.

Hello @gbrelstaff

Normal? That depends. It’s obviously not normal, but it is a known issue - Lost Packets due to reception errors, and highlighted in the L1C Data Quality Report - that is found reasonably often. Lost Packets can affect the Full Swath, individual Tiles in a Datastrip, or individual Bands within a single Tile. They can be identifed in SNAP Mask Manager. In extreme case -as was identified earlier in June - there can be a geolocation shift after the missing data. But generally, the issue is limited to gaps in the data*

*I have since checked a Tile (32TMK) from the DS in SNAP can confimr that the Geolocation and Co-registration is NOMINAL and the Datastrip General Quality Report (DS_VGS2_20210702T121947_S20210702T101805\QI_DATA\GENERAL_QUALITY.xml) identifies 1258 Lost Packets spread across the 10 metre and 20 metre Bands.





S2 MPC Operations Manager


Thanks Jan

there is also another indicator of quality failure in the associated L2A MTD_MSIL2A.xml file where we find a FAILED in the GENERAL_QUALITY:

                <quality_check checkType="FORMAT_CORRECTNESS">PASSED</quality_check>
                <quality_check checkType="GENERAL_QUALITY">FAILED</quality_check>
                <quality_check checkType="GEOMETRIC_QUALITY">PASSED</quality_check>
                <quality_check checkType="RADIOMETRIC_QUALITY">PASSED</quality_check>
                <quality_check checkType="SENSOR_QUALITY">PASSED</quality_check>
            </Quality_Inspections> ...
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Hi @gbrelstaff

Indeed. Yes. You’re right. I mentioned the L1C because it underpins the L2A and my default is to go to the GENERAL_QUALITY Report in the L1C DS when I see images like the one you posted.



S2 MPC Operations Manager