Sentinel 2A missing bands

Hello to all,

I need help, it’s been several weeks that I’m stuck. I have downloaded sentinel 2A images via the download platform “”.
I can’t display all the spectral bands when I import the zipped file in the “SNAP” application.

I have searched the forum for solutions; I have also updated the software and downloaded plugins, to no avail.
I hope to find a solution to the problem.

Here are the concerned images below :

I thank you in advance


have you tried if it is different when you unzip the files and loading the MTD_MSIL2A.xml file instead?

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Thank you for your reply, I have tried, but it is always the same problem.

You can check the existence of the 10m bands you are missing on Google’s S2A Archive using the following links: (best to be logged into Google first.)

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Thank you for your reply, I have downloaded all the files. I have replaced in the folder “GRANULEL2A_T30NVM_A023700_20200105T104539\IMG_DATA\R10m”, for each image folder. Then, I opened in “SNAP” via the file “MTD_MSIL2A”. But unfortunately the problem persists.

NB: The bands you sent me already existed in the “GRANULE” file

When I import the same file into ERDAS, all the spectral bands appear well. But I don’t understand why the problem remains in SNAP.


Scihub shows that the L2A Products that you list are currently offline - I guess due to the Long Term Archive policy that takes products older than 18 month offline - requiring a request to obtain them.
If your list was only partially downloaded when the archive went offline that could be a reason why the bands show up but are not complete.
That is my guess.

See also ESA Copernicus data access - Long Term Archive and its drawbacks

Yes indeed, this may be a possible explanation. Thank you

After re-downloading all the files via the SciHub portal, all the spectral bands appear in the SNAP software.
The problem was probably due to the poor quality of the internet connection.

Thank you for your help

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