Sentinel 3 atmospheric correction with iCOR ubuntu exception

Hello everyone,

I am currently using SNAP 0.7 on Ubuntu 18.04 and iCOR-SENTINEL-3-OLCI and I am getting some error a few seconds after I start processing my L1-EFR image. This is the error stack:

  5% Convert netCDF 
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconf0U0bRi.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconfVLI07g.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconf4Sq18n.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconfYvIIfS.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconfHtJgVm.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconfuKeMJ5.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconfqeUa12.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconfpWrHzT.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconfGMO9Im.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconf59QvDH.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconfvQqFUt.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconfiDRpQ0.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconf2WXhFd.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconfZl7FJb.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconf7nYVW5.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconf6HnPQb.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconf3GPNxK.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconfz7DrB2.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconfhYe3l7.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconf1iB_91.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconfWoHP42.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconfU5Byxr.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconfraEAN6.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconfTS_Qm0.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconf1SfpGN.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconfh8_Fd4.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconf4viUSG.conf
Running netcdf_tools /tmp/atcconf1X0JQX.conf
 11% Relative Azimuth
Running ac_runner /tmp/atcconfiFA1uw.conf
 16% Resize images
Running ac_runner /tmp/atcconfgwrwkY.conf
Running ac_runner /tmp/atcconfdh0xiD.conf
Running ac_runner /tmp/atcconfilH4gf.conf
Running ac_runner /tmp/atcconfaIEZnQ.conf
Running ac_runner /tmp/atcconftRNFak.conf
 21% Multiband - Radiance
Running ac_runner /tmp/atcconfbPo52D.conf
 26% Reflectance
Running ac_runner /tmp/atcconfE7P1rr.conf
Process output:
 | :: load config file /tmp/atcconfE7P1rr.conf
 | :: reflectance module
 | :: convert radiance to reflectance
 | :: open image : /tmp/icor_wlHKSo_proc/S3A_OL_1_EFR____20181002T140841_20181002T141141_20181003T182144_0179_036_224_3060_LN1_O_NT_002_SEN3_scaled_radiance.tif
 | :: create image : /tmp/icor_wlHKSo_proc/S3A_OL_1_EFR____20181002T140841_20181002T141141_20181003T182144_0179_036_224_3060_LN1_O_NT_002_SEN3_reflectance.tif
 | :: open image : /tmp/icor_wlHKSo_proc/S3A_OL_1_EFR____20181002T140841_20181002T141141_20181003T182144_0179_036_224_3060_LN1_O_NT_002_SEN3_angles_sza_resize.tif
 | :: setup solar irradiance
 | An Exeption occured  : std::exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/vito/icor/src/", line 52, in process_product
    icor.sentinel3.process(context, product,working_folder)
  File "/opt/vito/icor/src/icor/", line 304, in process
  File "/opt/vito/icor/src/icor/", line 500, in invoke_ac_runner_check
    raise Exception("process failed" + cmd)
Exception: process failedac_runner /tmp/atcconfE7P1rr.conf
parsing arguments
icor installation folder /opt/vito/icor
running icor for Sentinel3 .../opt/vito/icor
reading config /opt/vito/icor/src/config/local_sentinel3_simec.ini
output path = /tmp/S3A_OL_1_EFR____20181002T140841_20181002T141141_20181003T182144_0179_036_224_3060_LN1_O_NT_002_processed.tif
iCOR temp folder : /tmp/icor_wlHKSo_proc
workflow = simec
image date/time stamp :: 2018-10-02T14:08:41.333672Z
processing product with name : S3A_OL_1_EFR____20181002T140841_20181002T141141_20181003T182144_0179_036_224_3060_LN1_O_NT_002_SEN3
Finished tool execution in 16 seconds

And this is the parameters file: iCORparams.xml (990 Bytes)

Any clues on why this is happening would be of great help.

Thanks in advance,

I have exactly the same problem. If anybody can help, I would appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

Finally I managed to find the solution with the aid of the following post:

There is a bug in the /opt/vito/icor/src/config/local_sentinel3_simec.ini in the Linux version of iCor. I replaced this file with the file that is available in the post above and the problem solved.

Kind Regards,