Is there any code in python to use so i can give some coordinates, product and time period so i can have a txt with the links of the images of Sentinel 3 which fitted my request (i am interested on OLCI product so i should use eumetsat site) and then download them in batch mode?
Is there something simillar to so can download Sentinel 3 images from that fit a specified request?
How can I build this kind of script?
I am interested in sentinel 3 level 2 products which i can only get from eumetsat. The PDF_S3_CODA_USER_MANUAL.pdf has scripts but everything is supposed to work with linux and i have windows. I tried also some of the things mentioned Issue: Protect spaces in query values but nothing worked.
If still relevant after 3 years, there is a script to download all Sentinel-3 products. For OLCI, SLSTR and Synergy it goes around long-term archive (LTA).
I am trying to write a script for downloading S3 OLCI-L1 products. And I believe these days scihub.copernicus website redirects to another portal dataspace.copernicus. I tried to change the URL in my script but it still doesn’t work and gives me an error. Any updates I should be aware about? My internet works fine and I created a geojson file using a shapefile and fiona library in python. Any suggestions?
api = SentinelAPI(username, password, '')
# Define the search area using a GeoJSON file
geoj_file_path = r'D:\Automatic_Download\Alps_fiona.json'
footprint = geojson_to_wkt(read_geojson(geoj_file_path))
# Define search parameters
start_date = ( - timedelta(days=30)).strftime("20230301")
end_date ="20230302") # End date today
cloud_cover_percentage = (0, 30) # Maximum cloud cover percentage
# Query for Sentinel-3 OLCI Level-1 EFR products within the specified parameters
products = api.query(footprint,
date=(start_date, end_date),
# Download all products
api.download_all(products, directory_path=download_path)