Sentinel L2A images contains reflectance as unsinged integer 16 bit. Should I convert/rescale these values to 0 to 1 before calculating vegetation indices?
If you load the data correctly, SNAP does that for you using the quantification value (or scaling factor). About scaling factor and exporting product etc
Thank you for the answer, I use python to work with images, so, i am not using SNAP. In the meta data.
so quantification value is 10000 for Level 2A data.
problem is my band values are ranging 0 to 17800. if i divide band/10000 still there are values greater than 1.0.
could these be some few outliers? 1 is not the ultimate maximum, even for calibrated images. Please have a look at this answer: TOA Range in Sentinel-2 Images between 0 an 1?
There are considerable amount of these pixels. These should be cloud pixels. I will discover it, when i produce my final test product. Thank you for the answer, it helped me to clear the path.