I am a PhD student working on Wetland classification and delineation. My study area is in Kenya. I would like to know where i can get Sentinel1_IW_SLC_ISSV products for my study area located at 0◦18’S and 0◦27’S, and 36◦1.5’E and39◦9.25’E, within the Kenyan Rift valley. Thank you.
single polarization products were only collected for some few locations (none in Africa):
You can still download VV/VH data for your area and use the Split operator to reduce them to VV polarization.
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Hello Mr ABraun, I am From West Borneo/Kalimantan Indonesia, I am working on Wildfire Classification. What is the best Sentinel I can use? How can I get Sentinel Image? And If I want to use Sentinel with SAR, Where is the website I can download the data? Is there any program from ESA that I can using it for processing the data? Thank You
The official site is here: https://scihub.copernicus.eu/
But there are a lot of other ones, in case the official one is not suitbale for you.
There are lots of tutorials and courses
- ESA tutorials: http://step.esa.int/main/doc/tutorials/
- Copernicus Research and User Support (RUS): https://rus-copernicus.eu/portal/the-rus-library/learn-by-yourself/ (RUS lectures)
- ESA polarimetry course 2019: http://polarimetrycourse2019.esa.int/
- ESA Land Training 2019: http://landtraining2019.esa.int/
- ASF data recipes: https://asf.alaska.edu/how-to/data-recipes/data-recipe-tutorials/
- Echoes in Space: https://eo-college.org/resources (free registration required)
- EO4Society: https://eo4society.esa.int/training-education/
- NASA webinars and tutorials: https://earthdata.nasa.gov/learn/user-resources/webinars-and-tutorials
- NASA ARSET: https://arset.gsfc.nasa.gov/
- MIT lecture: https://www.ll.mit.edu/outreach/introduction-radar-systems
- UAF lecture: https://radar.community.uaf.edu/
- SARTutor: https://sar-tutor-en.iosb.fraunhofer.de/ (login: student, pw: student)
- NRCan: https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/maps-tools-publications/satellite-imagery-air-photos/tutorial-fundamentals-remote-sensing/9309
- Youtube channels:
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