Sentinel2 images correction error

I am trying to correct the sentinel2 images using sent2cor plugin but it shows the attached error. The unzipped file is in .SAFE format itself. I don’t know what am I supposed to do. I am using SNAP7. Can somebody help me please? Thanks in advance.

Which file did you select? Usually, you select the input folder, not the XML

Please take a look at this post, sen2cor

Source of the post

I did the same one as you mentioned. Its not working.

the error says you selected the XML file instead of the input folder. Please check.

Aren’t we opening the images using Xml file? The images are opened properly. the problem arises while correcting.

In SNAP you can select the imported file: when I open the MTD_MSIL1C.xml in SNAP and run sen2cor 2.8 the tool executes.


When running sen2cor from the command line you have to name the .SAFE folder instead of the XML.

Thank you . I will again try that.

How to do it?

this only applies if you run sen2cor from the command line.

In SNAP, it should work fine if you import the L1C product correctly by using the mentioned XML.
Have a look at this video - the part starting at 4:10 is relevant