I’m wondering how I can have side by side installs of SNAP 9.0 and 11.0 on windows so that if 11.0 doesn’t work out for our processes I don’t have to re-install 9.0. I’m on Windows 10. I’m not familiar with Docker. Or is Linux on windows possible? I’m not familiar with these, but if someone gives me a direction to go I can figure out the rest (maybe).
→ Install SNAP 11
→ Rename SNAP 11 installation directory so that the SNAP 9 installer cannot find another version installed
→ Launch SNAP 9 installer
- “SNAP User data” choose “Delete only SNAP-internal configuration data”
- “Select Destination Directory” - select a different installation directory (C:\Program Files\esa-snap9)
- “Select Start Menu Folder” → “Create a Start Menu folder” = “ESA SNAP 9”
- “Completing ESA SNAP Setup Wizard” → Uncheck “Extend my PATH environment variable”
→ Go to C:\Program Files\esa-snap9\etc\snap.conf and set the value of default_userdir property (default_userdir=“${HOME}\SNAP9”)
→ Launch SNAP 9 and install the latest updates
→ Change again the name of SNAP 11 installation directory
This will probably work. I think it is better to separate also the user dir. It might work with a shared user dir, but if not, some hints to change it are given on this wiki page.
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