Side lobe suppression in S-1 time series

Hi there! We are using corner reflectors for PS time series processing. Is there any option within Snap or StaMPS to filter/apodize strong side lobes? Unfortunately, many pixels around the CRs are detected as PS points as well.

Thanks in advance!

There is currently no such function in SNAP. By the way, did you oversample, by how much, and did it improve your results?

In PyGMTSAR (Python InSAR), you can apply a type of focal filter, such as a moving maximum, within a circular window of a defined radius. For more information, see the project on GitHub: GitHub - AlexeyPechnikov/pygmtsar: PyGMTSAR (Python InSAR): Powerful and Accessible Satellite Interferometry.

Dear Marcus,
thanks for your advice! We tried it with and without oversampling. Indeed, it increased the location accuracy of our main lobe CR signal. However, oversampling also led to even more PS points caused by the side lobes. Its unfortunate that there is currently no function to filter these signals directly in the Snap/Stamps workflow.

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Thats a nice tool, thanks for sharing!

Regarding your mention of focal filters in PyGMTSAR (Python InSAR), I noticed Gaussian and Goldstein filters in the example notebooks, but I’m particularly interested in the moving maximum or local focal filters you mentioned. Could you point me toward where I can find more detailed information about these specific filters?

Thanks in advance!

You can apply a rolling (window) max filter using Xarray. Check the documentation here: Xarray Rolling.

Thank you!