SLSTR L1B Stitching Error

When I try to stitch SLSTR L1B images, I get a message that one of the dimensions has an illegal value.
This is the error:

I was trying to stitch these files:

This is on a Windows 10x64 Laptop with 16 GB of RAM.

Can you say which of the products has this illegal value? What happens if you open just the products and visualise the x_fn variable? Maybe one got corrupted during download?

@marpet I was able to open the x_fn band from all three datasets, so I do not think anything is corrupted.

I decided to try running the process again with three different products, specifically these three:

  1. S3A_SL_1_RBT____20200911T170815_20200911T171115_20200911T191138_0179_062_340_2160_LN2_O_NR_004.SEN3
  2. S3A_SL_1_RBT____20200911T171115_20200911T171415_20200911T191632_0179_062_340_2340_LN2_O_NR_004.SEN3
  3. S3A_SL_1_RBT____20200911T171415_20200911T171715_20200911T191621_0179_062_340_2520_LN2_O_NR_004.SEN3

But I got the exact same error message.
I when to %APPDATA%/snap/var/log on my laptop, and opened the file messages.log, however, I not find anything in the log about the error.

I was able to reproduce the issue. The problem is that the stitching tool was not fully adapted to the latest changes of the SLSTR data.

This will be fixed for the next major release. maybe we can also provide a quick update for SNAP7. But this is not ensured.

[SIIITBX-350] Stitching tool can’t handle latest SLSTR products - JIRA (

Thanks for the report.

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@marpet That is good to know. I cannot find the mark as solution button on this thread? How can I mark your reply as the solution.

Yes, sometimes it is possible to mark a post as solution and sometimes not. I don’t know what’s reason for this. :man_shrugging:t4: