Small inconsistecies in the Biophysical Operator help page

Dear SNAP developers,

I think there should be some small inconsistecies in the help page related to the Biophysical Operator.
Specifically, in the ‘Algorithm Specification’ help page within the ‘Biophysical Processor Algorithm’ contents, the B5 ‘Central Wavelength’ is erroneously reported as ‘665’ nm. In addition, within LANDSAT8 bands used as input, the ‘blue’ band is listed. According to the biophysical operator parameters, available in folder ‘.snap/auxdata/s2tbx/biophysical/3_0/LANDSAT8’, the ‘green’ band is used by the algorithm instead of the ‘blue’ band. Also for Sentinel-2 MSI, according to parameters file, B3 (green) band is used and ‘B2’ band it is not used as input for biophysical parameters estimation.

Hope this information can be useful to identify possible mistakes in the help contents.
Kind regards,


@FlorianD can you have a look?

Similar was reported as few days ago.

I would also suggest to better specify in the help contents the exact band names that auxiliary input angles bands should have (i.e. ‘sun_zenith’, ‘sun_azimuth’, ‘view_zenith_mean’, ‘view_azimuth_mean’).


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Yes, this would help