[SNAP 7.x] SNAP can't load S1 products from AWS

I am trying to load a Sentinel-1 product from an AWS bucket using a VFS configuration.

My VFS settings:

With last changes in SNAP 7.x [https://senbox.atlassian.net/browse/SNAP-1160] I can browse the folders of this AWS bucket, but I can’t load any product.

But when I select the product (selecting its product root folder, or its manifest.safe file, I get an error:

I have downloaded all files of a product of this AWS bucket to my local folder, and it is succesfully loaded in SNAP. The file structure downloaded is equal when I download its zip from sentinel hub.

Any idea?
Thanks in advance

In SNAP 7.0 only the readers within s2tbx are VFS compliant. The updates for the other toolboxes are previewed in future.
Best regards,

Thanks Oana, unfortunately I get error with the S2 bucket too. But in this case I know the file structure is different to the available in sentinel hub.


Do you known any plan to support these public AWS buckets?
Best regards

Yes, we foresee to integrate support for AWS format in one of the next releases.
Best regards,

Thank you very much Oana
Best regards