Snap collocation versus coregistration


I am using the snap toolbox to align the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 product but I do not understand the difference between collocation and coregistration. I use the following pipeline

Can anybody help me to understand if it will create any difference in pixel level if I use coregistration instead of collocation in the above pipeline.

Any help is much appreciated.

Kind regards,

SNAP has a HELP button in each tool where you can gain more insight:

If you use Raster/Collocation:
The Collocation Tool allows to collocate spatially overlapping products. Collocating products implies that the pixel values of slave products are resampled into the geographical raster of the master product.

If you use Radar/Coregistration for INSAR:
The Coregistation tools is desing for sub-pixel coregistration of SAR images as a strict requirement and critical component of any interferometric processing chain.

GeoFolki corregistration:
“As prerequisites, the two input images should have the same number of bands, the same projection and the same pixel spacing. Also, note that “nodata” pixels are not supported. GeFolki takes two input images resampled at the same rate, and outputs the two components of the flow at every pixel position. The aim of the algorithm is to minimize a given criterion.”