SNAP Error: [NoteId: Subset] Operator ‘SubsetOp’: Value for ‘Source Band’ is invalid

Maybe you first need some basic understanding of SAR pre-processing to undestand the purpose of all steps:

Alternatively, you can try to follow the Offset Tracking tutorial by ESA:

Starting with the graph builder is probably the worst thing you can do as a beginner, because it keeps you from following the different steps. Checking the outputs of every step is crucial for a basic understanding.

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I will definitely look and try to reproduce what you sent with your data. It doesn’t matter what data I take, does it?

And one more question: I found the help for SNAP, which tells about each operator and the mechanisms of action. Can I find a solution to the problems there, or are these just general explanations that need to be shown in practice?

The help is suitable to understand what each module does, but it’s not helping in case of errors.
The error messages are often generic and not always pointing at the source of the error. So its always preferable to know what is done and why.

thanks a lot! I really hope that after studying the materials, I will have fewer problems, but if something happens, can I share it here or is it better to create a new topic?

Please try to find a suitable topic with the search function where your new questions fit in best. Either based on the error message (check the suggested solutions as well) or the application (offset tracking).

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okay, thank you again!