SNAP Land/sea mask - shoreline extension

I may be misunderstanding this option or using it wrongly but I have a vector layer of the lake I am interested in but wish to extend the shoreline by a couple of pixels to remove possible land/beach overlap etc. I can process the scene with any integer in the shoreline extension box but looking at the result between 0 (for shoreline extension) and any other value the masked pixels remains the same. Am I using this incorrectly or is it not designed for the purpose I am attempting to use it for?
Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Used in SNAP 6.0.5
Image S2
Vector source ESRI shape file


I’m seeing the same issue. Doesn’t appear that the shorelineExtension parameter is being applied?

I’ve got exactly same issue too. Did you get any solution about this problem??

Same problem here, using SNAP 10.