Snap not reading products

I have a student who has snap installed on a PC. Used ver 5.0, worked fine. Then upgrade to 6.0, worked also fine. After a couple of days beginning this last week he cannot any longer read products from his harddrive. He gets a sign that says
No appropriate reader found and that is it.
We have tried to go back to 5, remove everything snaplike , restart, reinstall snap both ver 5 and 6, but the error remains.
Anybody has a suggestion how to remedy the situation? It is of importance for him to be able to continue working.

Hello Hans,
I’ll check this Tile. If it were me, I’d reinstall 6.0 and go to Help > Check for Updates. The ‘No appropriate reader found’ message is - in my experience - usually linked to the software updates.



S2MPC Operations Manager

Hi Jan,
thanks for the tip. We tried it, but unfortunately it did not work. Just for fun we tried an arbitrary S5P - no problem. We’ll also try a S1 later (student PC has slow wifi).
He reinstalled Snap 6 and then checked for updaes. There were a lot and all seemed to install properly. But in the end - S2 could not be read.
Grateful if you could think of another solution, alternatively if you know somebody who is a SNAP wizard.

are you having problems with all S2 products or only with that one?

Hi Hans,
I was able to open the product in SNAP (downloaded from the Catalogue) that returned the ‘no appropriate product reader found’ message in your screenshot:

So the issue does not appear to be with the data.



thanks for the effort. Yes, problem not with data, because I open the same scene on my PB without problems.

it appears that the problm persists for ALL S2. We tried S1, S3 and no problems there.
Thanx for your concern

Could you check that the “Sentinel-2 Toolbox kit Module” is active (Menu->Tools->Plugins->Installed?

Hi, thanx for the effort. Yes, the S2TB was installed and active. However stioll not working on the PC.