Originally published at: http://step.esa.int/main/snap-present-at-eoscience-2-0/
The European Space Agency (ESA) is organizing the Earth Observation Open Science 2.0 conference.
This will be a community consultation meeting hosted at ESRIN (Frascati, Italy) on 12-14 Oct 2015 to explore to the new challenges and opportunities for EO research created by the rapid advances in Information and Communications Technologies (ICT). This includes open tools and software, data-intensive science, virtual research environment, citizen science and crowdsourcing, advanced visualization, e-learning and education of the new generation of Data scientists.
You will have the opportunity to assist several presentations about SNAP and the Sentinel Toolboxes and to meet the people behind its development.
C. Brockmann (Brockmann Consult GmbH) will present the Sentinel Application Platform on Monday at 10:15.
Y.-L. Desnos (ESA ESRIN) will present STEP, the Science Toolbox Exploitation Platform, on Monday at 16:15, followed by a presentation of L. Veci (Array Systems Computing Inc.) entitled “The Sentinel‐1 toolbox for EO Science 2.0”. A live demo of SNAP and the Sentinel-2 Toolbox will be held on Wednesday afternoon by J. Malik (CS SI).
See you at EO Science 2.0 !