SNAP + sen2cor + plugins >> VM

Hi all,
i have an idea about installation of SNAP and all the plugins like sen2cor and sen2three, snapphu for the S1 toolbox. ( Am sure i am not the first…)
I think it could be very usefull to have a VM file ( for vmware, or virtualbox) with the entire installation functional.
I think one good old VM can save time for numerous users who were lost in python aracana (OSGEO do that: OSGEO live, it’s very good)


Thanks for the feedback. I’ve noted this in our issue tracker.

1 Like

HI marpet, I’m sorry to trouble you,I have studied the atmospheric correction of the sentinel-2A,recently,could you tell me how to insall the sen2cor in detail ? Thank you very much!

The installation instructions are described in in the Software User Manual listed on the sen2cor page

Dear Marco Peters, thank you very much, With your help, we have successfully installed the Sencor, and now we are trying to do the atmospheric correction in order to conver TOA of level 1C to the BOA, if there is another problem, I might have to trouble you again.Yeah, Thanks again for your help. Best wishes!

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发件人: “Marco Peters”;;
发送时间: 2016年11月24日(星期四) 下午3:44
收件人: "灿莹";

主题: [step] [s2tbx/sen2cor] SNAP + sen2cor + plugins >> VM

           November 24                        

The installation instructions are described in in the Software User Manual listed on the sen2cor page

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In Reply To
November 24

        HI marpet, I'm sorry to trouble you,I have  studied the atmospheric correction of the sentinel-2A,recently,could you tell me how to insall the sen2cor in detail ? Thank you very much!     

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A post was split to a new topic: QUANTIFICATION_VALUE of Sentinel-1C

Has there been any progress on this?