SNAP - StaMPS Workflow Documentation

when i did again stamp(1,5) i got the same errors but I just saw that when i ran matlab i got the following message, is something that i must to add to the installation '" Failed to load module “canberra-gtk-module”

this is not a StaMPS related error, but to go sure you could install these graphic packages by
sudo apt install libcanberra-gtk-module libcanberra-gtk3-module

I recommend to run each step separately: step(1,1) step(e,2) and closely check the messages. Sometimes indications for potential errors are given there (too few PS candidates, empty interferograms…)

yesterday I installed the gtk-module and I ran stamps(1,4), he stops for patche6 the last one and i got the following errors
TAMPS: ########################################
STAMPS: ################ Step 4 ################
STAMPS: ########################################
STAMPS: Directory is PATCH_6

PS_WEED: Starting
PS_WEED: Weeding selected pixels…
GETPARM: weed_time_win=730
GETPARM: weed_standard_dev=1
GETPARM: weed_max_noise=Inf
GETPARM: weed_zero_elevation=‘n’
GETPARM: weed_neighbours=‘n’
GETPARM: small_baseline_flag=‘n’
PS_WEED: 134013 low D_A PS, 0 high D_A PS
PS_WEED: 1 PS with duplicate lon/lat dropped

PS_WEED: Estimating noise for all arcs…
PS_WEED: Estimating max noise for all pixels…
PS_WEED: 133098 PS kept after dropping noisy pixels
psver currently: 1
psver now set to: 2
PS_WEED: Finished
Error using movefile
Text file busy

Error in stamps (line 462)

let’s don’t mix things up. A solution to this was suggested here yesterday:

Please give feedback on our suggestions, we cannot look into your system.

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Dear all,
At first I would like to thank you, i just finished the running of stamps after your help and the help of Sarto28, I was late but I had problem with the expiration of Matlab trial version and i found problem in the installation of the other one, anyway this is de map of ps velocity . I don’t know to comment it, must I have a reference point to calculate exactly the velocity of landsubsidence.


I cant select the time series in order to exporting to CSV file I used the k largest radius of 1000000m

please help me. thank you in advanced

How can we find the deformation value of Individual PS point after completing stamps(8,8)…?

ps_plot(‘v-do’, ‘ts’)

this opens the displacement map and allows you to select an area with a defined radius (100 m are predefined but you can reduce it to 10 m).
Once you click in the image, a time-series graph is displayed for the selected area.

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Appreciated Thank you so much @ABraun

I have use ps_plot(‘v-do’, ‘ts’) for individual pixel i have use 20 meter radius and 5 pixels are in the circle… i want to check the value of these 5 pixels one by one , can we check values one by one ??

hi @atif, I built a tool for exactly this task:


Thankyou so much Sir @thho … i will follow this tool now…

I have used 91 interferograms of 3 years to find trend of subsidence in one area, can i plot kml of 1 year ?? i mean i want to plot kml year to year, for example 1st i want to plot kml for 2017 then 2018 and then 2019…is it possible to do so??

At this stage, it does not matter where we click? On what basis is this point selected?

In mt_prep_snap command, you just give less amplitude dispersion value. Then number of PS should decrease.

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You will find a clear explanation in the below link.

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Dear members,
Recently I’m running data set of both ascending and descending of my study area. Descending was running fine and providing good results. But while processing the Ascending stamps giving below error.
Please check it once.

STAMPS: ########################################
STAMPS: ################ Step 2 ################
STAMPS: ########################################
STAMPS: Directory is PATCH_1

PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: Estimating gamma for candidate pixels
GETPARM: filter_grid_size=50
GETPARM: filter_weighting=‘P-square’
GETPARM: clap_win=32
GETPARM: clap_low_pass_wavelength=800
GETPARM: clap_alpha=1
GETPARM: clap_beta=0.3
GETPARM: max_topo_err=20
GETPARM: lambda=0.0554658
GETPARM: gamma_change_convergence=0.005
GETPARM: gamma_max_iterations=3
GETPARM: small_baseline_flag=‘n’
Found look angle file
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: n_trial_wraps=0.355834
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: Initialising random distribution…
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 2563970 PS candidates to process
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: iteration #1
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: Calculating patch phases…
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: Estimating topo error…
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 100000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 200000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 300000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 400000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 500000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 600000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 700000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 800000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 900000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 1000000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 1100000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 1200000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 1300000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 1400000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 1500000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 1600000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 1700000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 1800000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 1900000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 2000000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 2100000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 2200000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 2300000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 2400000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: 2500000 PS processed
PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: gamma_change_change=0.000000
GETPARM: gamma_change_convergence=0.005
GETPARM: gamma_max_iterations=3

STAMPS: ########################################
STAMPS: ################ Step 3 ################
STAMPS: ########################################
STAMPS: Directory is PATCH_1

PS_SELECT: Starting
PS_SELECT: Selecting stable-phase pixels…
GETPARM: slc_osf=1
GETPARM: clap_alpha=1
GETPARM: clap_beta=0.3
GETPARM: clap_win=32
GETPARM: select_method=‘DENSITY’
GETPARM: density_rand=20
GETPARM: gamma_stdev_reject=0
GETPARM: small_baseline_flag=‘n’
GETPARM: drop_ifg_index=
Warning: Not enough random phase pixels to set gamma threshold - using default threshold of 0.3

In ps_select (line 184)
In stamps (line 357)
PS_SELECT: Initial gamma threshold: 0.300 at D_A=0.08 to 0.300 at D_A=0.50
PS_SELECT: 0 PS selected initially
PS_SELECT: Reestimation gamma threshold: 0.300 at D_A=0.08 to 0.300 at D_A=0.50
PS_SELECT: 0 ps selected after re-estimation of coherence
No PS points left. Updating the stamps log for this*
PS_SELECT: Finished

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Good afternoon to everyone,
I’m asking for help to understand how the displacement time series export works. The displacement in mm that can be exported after selecting the center and radius on the ps_plot(‘v-dao’, ‘ts’) figure, I know they are referred to the master date, meaning that its displacement is zero. I usually have a master that is in the middle of the time series. But my question is: do I have to change the sign of all the displacements AFTER the master date or they are already correct?
This is because as far as I have understood, when computing the phase difference (and as a consequence also the displacement) the equation is: master - slave, therefore once we are after the master date, the sign of the result changes.
The code that I use to export the time series is the one suggested in the StaMPS-Visualizing discussion. My question is arising because of data that I’m actually processing, that I’m trying to validate with in-situ GNSS receivers, and if I apply this correction to the displacements after the master date the two time series are very similar, which is not true in the other case.
From the StaMPS manual I can say that positive values mean uplift while negative subsidence (“For plotting of velocities, the units are mm/year with positive values being towards the satellite”).
Thank you in advance!

I appreciate it. I finally managed to plot something on STaMPS visualizer but unfortunately the plot is too noisy which is to be expected from atmospheric noise. I think

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hello everyone ,I’ve followed the instructions from this form especially@thho @mdelgado @Abraun @ Matthias Schlögl configuring the envirement how to run the free script snap2stamps,but the configuring program is more difficult.espically triangle :

1.instructions from gis-blog-master/ · master · Matthias Schlögl / gis-blog · GitLab)

line55:* install triangle

line 116 : 2.2 Configuration about “StaMPS_CONFIG.bash”

export TRIANGLE_BIN=“/home/username/software/triangle/bin”

2.Q1:bin folder:

when extracting the downloded from (Triangle: A Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator),it contains 7 files(A.poly makefile readme showme.c triangle.c triangle.h tricall.c ) no folder espically bin folder where saying from line116,the same regarding after installation.

Q2: path:


sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install triangle-bin

(2)after installation:

yzx@yzx-HW:~/soft/triangle$ whereis triangle

triangle: /usr/bin/triangle

(3)question:path of the template StaMPS_CONFIG.bash says:”/home/……”  difference to  after installationing which says “*usr/…”