This is maybe a bit off-topic and I apologize for that.
I am making this topic to know if the SNAP community or whatever we can call it will be present at EGU. As EGU is also a very pleasant networking environment, I thought it would be great to know if many of us will be present and what are the applications they will present.
That can be a good opportunity to talk face-to-face with SNAP users/dev that will be there to discuss about things they find great or other that are “bad” in SNAP and what are the beyond-state-of-the-art products that are achievable using SNAP.
Personally, I’ll be present there to present some result about tide correction in surface velocity in ice-shelves areas. Almost everything is performed through SNAP.
See you there,
List for conferences in 2020
If you participate at an international conference (even if it is not yet listed here), feel free to post it here and we will keep the list updated.
I won’t attend, but maybe we can use this later on for further conferences as well. @marpet for example will attend theLiving Planet Symposium in Milano in May.
I will be at the EARSeL symposium in Salzburg in July
We could also start a list in the first post (I can help you keeping it updated) if you agree.
For the EGU there is nothing planned from my site.
At LPS19 it is not only me who will be there. Also the other teams from the Toolboxes will be there. I wanted to announce this in this forum soon.
I will be somehow involved in the FOSS4G, which takes place in Bukarest in August. Not sure if I will attend yet. But I’m one of the mentors for the FOSS4G EO Data Challenge. The official call for proposals will go out next week.
sounds great. I think there are be enough conferences and forum users that would make it worth creating a simple list in a sticked topic. I added an example in the first post and we could keep it updated, what do you think?
I will be at EGU though, but presenting the H2020 project in which I am now involved: OCRE project.
This is probably interesting for each (EO) researcher and we want to gather researchers’ requirements in terms of EO services they may be interested to use in their research, and also to show the opportunities/benefits of our project (please check
I have an oral presentation titled “Commercial Cloud and EO services usage: opening the gates to the research community Open Clouds for Research Environments (OCRE)”during the session ESSI3.2 - Earth/Environmental Science Applications on Cloud and HPC Infrastructures scheduled in room M1 on Thursday, 11 Apr 2019, 14:30 (EGU2019-9385) . I will wait for you there!
Surely I may also be available to discuss about SNAP, specially snap2stamps or SNAP-StaMPS !
I would like to highlight this topic again as the conference season has already started. Who will be attending a conference and is interested meeting other SNAP users?