Snaphu already installed


I am running ESA SNAP - STEP installed on an UBUNTU 20.04 system. SNAPHU v 2.0.1 is already installed on the system as GMTSAR package was present prior to the SNAP package. I also installed the SNAPHU v 2.0.4 as external tool in the ‘manage external tools’ menu. Although, while going through the ESA ‘Stripmap Interferometry Tutorial’, when it comes to run “Unwrapping with snaphu” possibly problems arise. A message flashes and nothing happens as output by SNAP.

I assume that I have to appropriately set the SNAPHU external tool (in the ‘manage external tools’ menu) according to the version already installed (v 2.0.1) by setting the right arguments/values/parameters in the SYSTEM VARIABLES, CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS & BUNDLED BINARIES tabs.

  1. Has anyone faced the same problem (having installed both GMTSAR and ESA SNAP -STEP?
  2. Can you please provide me with instructions?

Kind regards,

Have you seen the settings suggested in the tutorial: Sentinel-1 TOPS interferometry

But it is very easy to run snaphu from the command line, so if 2.0.1 is already installed with GMTSAR, you can use this without problems.

Thank you for your immediate reply and support!

Yes, I have followed the instructions on installing and setting snaphu 2.0.4 as described.

{Remark: when passing the command snaphu in the command line the report mentions version 2.0.1 which is the already installed (with GMTSAR). This probably means that snaphu 2.0.4 is not really installed in the UBUNTU system by the described process}

As long as snaphu is very easy to run from the command line, I guess that I’ll give it a try.
Although, it would be very useful to know how can someone set SNAP to call the already installed snaphu in order to use the advantages of a G.U.I.

this is probably because your commend line first finds the 2.0.1 version before the other one. Probably, because GMTSAR directory is in your system’s PATH variable. Please add the directory of version 2.0.4 to your PATH (Add to the PATH on Windows 10 and Windows 11 | Architect Ryan) and put it at the top of the list. Then you should get this one when typing snahpu

Maybe this also fixes the GUI problem, but I still think linking to the correct exe in the “Manage External Tools” menu in SNAP should be handle this correctly.

I shall give it a try and experiment further. In case I manage to fix the GUI compatibility issue I’ll update the post.

Dear Andreas,

Yes, SNAPHU is quite easy to run especialy after SNAP builds the appropriate config file.
Although, for over 2.5 hrs now I think that SNAPHU runs on an never ending loop.
I get the following message in the shell

Is this ok or I should try to kill the process crtl+C?
(PC estimated speed at ~40 Gflops/sec, 32Gb RAM, 3.6Ghz Intel 3 processor)

Thank you!
Ps In case this helps, please see attached the log and config files
snaphu.conf (1.7 KB)
snaphu.log (4.1 KB)

looks like it is still running - has the unw_phase.img file been written already?

No, only a series of files:
and a header file:
No *.img file yet

Is ok to run for so long (it has more than 4 hours to produce new tmptile*.* files)?

then you will have to wailt until the process has finished.
How much lines have to be processed? This is given by the number at the end of the snaphu command.

Phase from complex data, 10651 x 7500 pixels

give it some more time.

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Ok! I got the idea…
Thank you once again Andreas!

I’ll keep you updated about the progress

After more than 24hrs I decided to break the process by giving a ctrl + c in the shell. During all this time it was repeating the following lines:

Flow increment: 1 (Total improvements: 0)
Treesize: 137 Pivots: 0 Improvements: 0
Flow increment: 2 (Total improvements: 0)
Treesize: 137 Pivots: 0 Improvements: 0
Flow increment: 3 (Total improvements: 0)
Treesize: 137 Pivots: 0 Improvements: 0
Flow increment: 4 (Total improvements: 0)
Treesize: 137 Pivots: 0 Improvements: 0
Flow increment: 1 (Total improvements: 0)
Treesize: 137 Pivots: 0 Improvements: 0
Flow increment: 2 (Total improvements: 0)
Treesize: 137 Pivots: 0 Improvements: 0
Flow increment: 3 (Total improvements: 0)
Treesize: 137 Pivots: 0 Improvements: 0
Flow increment: 4 (Total improvements: 0)
Treesize: 137 Pivots: 0 Improvements: 0

No unw_phase.img file has been written except the folder “snaphu_tiles_24136” containing the tmptile_UnwPhase*** & tmptile_UnwPhase***_regions files and the associated tmptilelog files is present.
I attach a tmptile*** log file from for reference

tmptilelog_0_0 (1.3 KB)

Any ideas?

please try MST instead of MCF
you can delete the tile folder, snaphu.log and the file with the cryptic signs and simply edit the config file and run again.

SNAPHU is ok running on both modes MST and MCF
It just needed more time than I expected (~20hrs).
So the only ‘problem’ left for solving is linking the installed version of SNAPHU to SNAP.

Thanks you Andreas for your support!

thank you for reporting!
Maybe a higher number of tiles increases the processing speed?