Snaphu interferogram unwrap error


I’m trying to use the snaphu plugin to unwrap a Sentinel-1 image pair, following exactly the Alaska Satellite Facility’s interferogram tutorial.

I am getting an error, seemingly the same as this post. I have spatially subsetted the interferogram so that it now looks like this:

The above is in Windows. I have also tried running the same process using the command line on a linux machine, but I always get the same error:

snaphu v2.0.4
27 parameters input from file snaphu.conf (84 lines total)
WARNING: Tile overlap is small (may give bad results)
Logging run-time parameters to file snaphu.log
Creating temporary directory snaphu_tiles_658
Unwrapping tile at row 0, column 0 (pid 659)
Unwrapping tile at row 0, column 1 (pid 660)
Unwrapping tile at row 0, column 2 (pid 661)
Unwrapping tile at row 0, column 3 (pid 662)
Unexpected or abnormal exit of child process 659
Exiting with status 1 on signal 15
Process exited with value 1
Finished tool execution in 4 seconds
Process exited with value 1
Finished tool execution in 4 seconds

The coherence file is included with the snaphu export. The fact that I am getting the same error on two different machines suggests it’s my data and not a bug or a processing error, but I’m out of ideas.

Edit: I think there is something wrong with the snaphu export output stage. I repeated the whole interferogram tutorial and exported the snaphu files, this time only using the SNAP plugin. Then snaphu import produces


Should there be an UnwPhase...snaphu.img file in the snaphu export, to go with the .hdr file? There isn’t one and I haven’t seen one so far. I tired re-exporting with manual selection of all bands in the interferogram source file but that didn’t change anything.

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Best regards, Gshennan,

Unfortunately, I do not bring you a solution. My colleagues and I have had exactly the same problem during deployment. We tried to find some solution/trick to make it run correctly. I hope that if you manage to resolve it, you can help us. If we solve it, I will let you know immediately.

Best regards.

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I have same problem with unwrapped phase when i automatization process used
graph builder. Sometimes Snaphu Export in graph bad working, you need a custom graph with not Snaphu Export phase. You have to use thees phase manually. Radar->Interferometric->Unwrapping->Snaphu-Export → write.
Also i have instruction about DInSAR for my student, you can looking pages 25-28, i hope that help for you work.
DInSar_SNAP.pdf (2,9 МБ)

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Thank you both for your responses. Nothing yet. I have tried subsetting to a very small region that shows only fringes with a little bit of noise. Still doesn’t work.

@Azzon I will try again with the images suggested in your workflow and see if it will work. Thanks!

You just need an up-to-date InSAR software compatible with recent SNAPHU like open source PyGMTSAR (Python InSAR). See interactive online InSAR examples at and Docker images available at You can run the processing on free or paid cloud Google Colab instances, in Docker containers locally or on your server, and so on. Additionally, this ChatGPT4 based Virtual AI InSAR Assistant can guide you for InSAR theory and practice: ChatGPT - (Python InSAR) Assistant

@MBG That work looks extremely interesting, I’ll check it out.

Are you saying that the error I am receiving is a bug in the SNAP/snaphu interface?

I’ve been busy so I haven’t had a chance to check out the other workflow yet.

@grshennan SNAPHU itself works well, so…

@Azzon I have followed your tutorial exactly. I still get the same result. Here is the full error code:

snaphu v2.0.4
27 parameters input from file snaphu.conf (84 lines total)
WARNING: Tile overlap is small (may give bad results)
Logging run-time parameters to file snaphu.log
Creating temporary directory snaphu_tiles_1767
Unwrapping tile at row 0, column 0 (pid 1768)
Unwrapping tile at row 0, column 1 (pid 1769)
Unwrapping tile at row 0, column 2 (pid 1770)
Unwrapping tile at row 0, column 3 (pid 1771)
Unwrapping tile at row 0, column 4 (pid 1772)
Unwrapping tile at row 0, column 5 (pid 1773)
Unwrapping tile at row 0, column 6 (pid 1774)
Unwrapping tile at row 0, column 7 (pid 1775)
Unexpected or abnormal exit of child process 1768
Exiting with status 1 on signal 15
Process exited with value 1
Finished tool execution in 8 seconds
Process exited with value 1
Finished tool execution in 4 seconds

I wonder about the WARNING: Tile overlap is small (may give bad results) part. Is this normal?

Could you send the files before exporting to SNAPH? I would like to try to go through the next few steps and reproduce the error. If everything goes well, I can record a video instruction.

Thanks, @Azzon. Here is the file.

dear sir,

I am also experiencing exactly the same problem as yours. I have tried changing the acquisition location, but the problem remains the same. therefore I hope we can help each other sir.

Thank you

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dear sir,

Can I also get the video tutorial from you? please help sir
thank you

Unwrapped phase didn’t work for me either to SNAP 10. I tried working in SNAP 9 and there process work but looks like not normal for me. I recorded a video of the process.

Thank you for all your work and help, @Azzon! I installed SNAP 9 and have got through the process, it works. I haven’t quite finished your whole tutorial but when I do I’ll compare to your screenshots in your tutorial and see if the results are the same.

I tried it from the beginning in SNAP 9 and it seems to be working. I’ve got something but I couldn’t work out what colour palette you were using. It looks fairly similar though? I only have the rendered image exported. I’ll play with the data and make sure the displacements are the same in the coming days. Thanks again for the help.

Edit: I have tried twice again in SNAP 10, once each using the graph method and the menu method in your tutorial, @Azzon. Same error every time. But works in SNAP 9.

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